Thursday, October 16, 2014

Becca Tobin - 10% Battery

Becca Tobin - 10% Battery (2014) This is a pdf of short comics by artist Becca Tobin, all of the comics were drawn in what appear to be various sketchbooks, she snapped pictures of them on her phone and compiled them into a pdf. There's a fuzzy second hand experience to the images. The texture of the paper she drew on is visible. In some shots, objects or pieces of things are scattered. The comics themselves look like artifacts or archival images from an archaeological dig (I almost wrote "..or a murder scene!") Sometimes the corners of the images are out of focus or the shot is not perfectly centered, it's fun. This was a a really good premise for a minicomic. Becca T. is really brilliant on twitter, probably one of my top 5 favorite tweeters,  my rankings are really important because I'm famous. Her tweets are like little poems & there's an underlying philosophy that comes through that I would describe as like really brave and quiet or brave about quiet things. That comes across in these comics. Some of the comics are like just juxtapositions of observations that are subtle but seem aesthetically powerful in their juxtaposition, in a poem-y way, like "a cat the same color as the wall/ a lady rescuing a bug from a shop" or "a baby bird covered in ants/ a forest fire and a blood moon". Some of them are just fantasy images or ideas with no additional context, just lingering untethered inside the page. ("A giant feels lonely and wraps her arms around the tallest redwood") The colors are really wonderful, there are color combinations that seem stark and bright at first, like purples, oranges and greens, but the choice of watercolors (?) give them a sort of loud cuteness. Anyway I can't reccomend this comic enough, it is worth the however much time it will take you to read it and however much you chose to pay on gumroad.

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